We are going to add after school activities to our book discussions. Each month we will meet to discuss what we have been reading and also do an activity that might include a craft, game or some other event. Come to our first meeting on September 23rd to join in on the discussion and offer some suggestions for future events. We will be making beaded bookmarks at our first meeting.
Meeting Dates for this year will be:
September 23rd
October 28th
December 9th
January 13th
Library Book Club Info
Meeting Dates 2013 -2014
Book club will be either free reading selections or everyone will read a certain genre for each meeting. Choose something you like to read for our first meeting and we will have a discussion about what we will do for the following meetings. Meetings will be on Mondays.
September 16 - First meeting
October 14
November 25

Meeting Dates : 2012-2013
Our first meeting will be Tuesday September 11th after school in the media center. We will be discussing books and activities during our first meeting.
We will be doing a combination of specific books and selected genres for our book selections this year. So far, we have decided to read Graceling by Cashore, The Circle of Blood by Feguson, No Choirboy by Kuklin, and Virals by Reichs. If you missed the first meeting, you can still join.
Meeting Dates:
September 25 Discuss Graceling
October 9 Discuss Mystery choice
October 30 Activity Day and movie
November 13
November 27 Activity Day and movie
Titles for 2011-2012
The Shadow Project / Brennan
Distant Waves / Weyn
Incarceron / Fisher
Eyes Like Stars / Mantchev
Little Brother / Doctorow
Immortal / Shields
Virals / Reichs
Halo / Adornetto
The Forest of Hands and Teeth / Ryan
Titles for 2010-2011
Hunger Games / Collins
To Kill a Mockingbird / Lee
Graceling / Cashore
Beautiful Creatures / Garcia & Stohl
Paper Towns / Green
The Maze Runner / Dashner
Leviathan / Westerfeld
Going Bovine / Bray
2009-2010 Titles Read:
Elsewhere / Zevin
The Kitchen Boy / Alexander
The Adoration of Jenna Fox / Pearson
The Alchemyst / Scott
The Absolutely True Diary of a part-time Indian / Alexie
2008-2009 Titles Read:
Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist / Cohn
Twisted / Anderson
Maximum ride: angel experiment / Patterson
As Simple as Snow / Galloway
The Book Thief / Zusak