Writers Page

The Blue Pencil Online

Merlyn's Pen  http://www.merlynspen.org/
Showcases fiction and non-fiction written by teens in grades 6-12.  See what others have written and submit your own writings.

figment   Figment is a community where you can share your writing, connect with other readers, and discover new stories and authors. Whatever you're into, from sonnets to mysteries, from sci-fi stories to cell phone novels, you can find it all here.

Teen Ink   http://teenink.com/                 
A teen literary magazine and website.  You may submit poetry, nonfiction, fiction, photos and art.

Young Writers Society    http://www.youngwriterssociety.com/
An online community where young writers can share their literary works with one another and provide constructive criticism.

Essay Contests

Ayn Rand Institute Essay Contests

Atlas Shrugged Essay deadline is (next year's date coming soon was October 2015) for 12th graders and college students only.

Anthem deadline is March 29, 2016, it is for 8th, 9th, and 10th graders.

The Fountainhead deadline is April 29, 2016, it is for 11th and 12th graders.
Signet Classics Student Scholarship Essay Contest - Open to Juniors and Seniors.

Students enter by writing an essay on one of five topics posed for this year's competition book, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.

Entries must be postmarked by April 14, 2016.

Review Books

Genrefluent's Bistro Book Club   Teens talk about the latest books for teens.

Teenreads.com   http://teenreads.com/
Write reviews, enter contests, info about new books and authors.


Pulse It

Other sites

ArtsWork :  http://artswork.asu.edu/

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America   SFWA is a professional organization for authors of science fiction, fantasy and related genres.
Romance Writers of America   RWA was chartered in 1981 to serve as a nonprofit trade association for romance writers. The mission of RWA is to advance the professional interests of career-focused romance writers through networking and advocacy.